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What Men Are Saying

This is direct experience and feedback from men who have either attending an Embodied Masculine workshop, Men's Embodiment Circle, private coaching or participated in any Embodied Masculine intensives and or programs.

Share How This Work Has Impacted Your Life

If this work has made an impact on your life in any way then my ask of you is to take a couple of minutes and share your experience with men who need this work in their lives by writing a Google review (click g+ image to get started).

The way we live our lives speaks the loudest but there are many outside our circle of influence that would benefit from the support our community provides if they knew we were here.  Let's bring them in.


More Reviews

jimmy franzo

Jimmy Franzo

Workshop Attendee

"I'm still buzzing from yesterday’s Warrior/Lover workshop. A full day of going within, going all in and connecting was exactly what my heart was craving. Beautiful, tactical, sacred and rejuvenating...all powerful reminders. And today, some brand new inspiration. Thank you."

— Jimmy Franzo


Barry Sween

Workshop & Men's Group Attendee

"It’s been a day since the Embodied Masculine workshop and I’m still amazed at the journey Amir led us through, touching the emotion and power of the warrior and lover, and how we can embody them both at the same time. It was great to be surrounded by a group of men who were able to go “all in” and show their strength and fierce vulnerability. We need more of this!"

— Berry Sween


Beau Weaver

Workshop & Men's Group Attendee

"The King Within workshop is not what you might expect. It is not a lecture, or a presentation of mere ideas, but rather a kind of experiential Alchemy. Drawing from his extensive experience working with the Jungian archetypes which live in all our inner landscapes, and his own deep practice of martial arts and yoga, Amir has created a set of physical and spiritual exercises that release the old, and make space for the new. This workshop works on us way down deep, far below the level of our philosophical and metaphorical thinking, and gives us a visceral experience, perhaps for the first time, of a new source of power and balance, in our physical bodies, as well as in the realm of our spiritual imagination. What goes on in this workshop may be confrontive of old ways of being, but it is emotionally safe for everyone who participates. Prepare to be touched and changed."

— Beau Weaver

sensei ash

Ash Ladjevardi

Workshop & Men's Group Attendee

“I had an amazing experience at my first men’s workshop. I’m going through a transition in my life where I need the guidance and understanding men and this workshop really helped me receive that and have a deeper understanding on what other men are going through. I recommend Embodied Masculine workshops to all men!

— Ash Ladjevardi



Workshop & Men's Group Attendee

"Highly recommended! What an inspiring group of men, lead by an insightful and heart centered teacher. I came with an open mind, and left overflowing with love and admiration for myself, my fellow man, and the divine feminine. Boys, who “think” they are men, try to control by force...real men, lead by empowering others. I’m thankful someone like Amir is holding space for such teachings. The world needs more men doing this kind of, more than ever!



Joe Hallam

Workshop Attendee

"I attended The King Within workshop, led by Amir. Even though this wasn’t my first men’s healing group, I certainly approached this circle with fear. Like the men in my life, I was taught to fear other men. I came to this circle open and I also came with reservations, though they were short lived. As everyone checked in, I felt my hesitation softening. And then I watched Amir start to form the structure of a safe container. Of the many talents and gifts this man shared that night, I was particularly awed by his ability to value and create a container where my natural, unforced reaction was to soften into the safety of the circle, knowing that Amir believed in and trusted his own ability to hold it. He is truly a master at the safe container. If you’re thinking of going, go ahead and go with your reservations, your fears and all the reasons why you won’t fit in. And see for yourself how safe you feel to open up around other men who are doing the exact same thing. Amir will have already done the work to ensure that you are safe and honored. While I was familiar with the Jungian archetypes, it was clear that Amir spoke them fluently and with presence. To finish this, I must say, that the magic is in the embodiment practices. While I gave a commitment to not speak directly about them, I will say that the embodiment practices that Amir creates, with your participation, will put you on different ground with yourself than you walked in with. I hope you go. You are worth it. We are worth it. ~Joe Hallam"

— Joe Hallam


Dylan Lunde

Workshop Attendee

“I felt extremely powerful at the end of the workshop. I experienced true camaraderie with a group of complete strangers and it was profound."

— Dylan Lunde

Matthew Boylan

Matthew Boylan

Workshop & Private Coaching

"Amir has helped me put my life back together and then some. Today I have a purpose. I know who I am, and I have the discipline and have the tools required to continue evolving. Amir is intelligent and compassionate. He is a grounding force. It's been a hell of a journey."

— Matthew Boylan

Edward Tyler

Workshop & Men's Group Attendee

"The King Within was a powerful and immersive process. I've engaged in various forms of spiritual work, men's work, and embodiment work over the past 5 years and I can say wholeheartedly that Amir is legit! His passion and capacity for facilitating is immense, it spreads through the whole room. Within the first 5 minutes I knew I was about to experience something deep and real. The clarity within myself and connection to my own masculine energy, as well as appreciation of the other men there, was profound. In the few hours that the workshop took I went on a comprehensive journey, integrating a multitude of different facets of self in that time. I came out of it most importantly strongly inspired and grounded in a deeper trust of self. I feel clear and ready to embrace all that life has for me, including the difficult times"

— Edward Tyler

phil r

Phil Rowlan

Private Coaching

"I have known Amir for over 25 years and have watched his growth as
a man, father, friend and spiritual mentor to many men.
He is a man of great integrity and compassion and has a wealth of
experience and spiritual tools to help others grow.
I wish him every success on this new venture and have no doubt
that what he has to offer will benefit all who participate."

— Phil Rowland