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Awakening the Creator Within: The Conscious Vessel

Amir Khalighi Founder of Embodied Masculine™

Awakening The Creator Within – The Conscious Vessel Awakening the creator within – The conscious vessel – Your reality is not an absolute construct but a dynamic projection of perception itself. The fabric of your existence is woven from the limitations and potentials of your awareness, filtered through the senses and the mind’s interpretations. You…

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The Middle East Crisis: an Animist Perspective

Men's Embodiment Coach Amir Khalighi

The Middle East Crisis: an Animist Perspective We commune and fall into reverence and relationship with the Natural World in our community. We don’t find our spiritual connection outside ourselves (without), nor do we petition the bearded tyrant in the sky with fear & trembling in favor of promised afterlife prizes, nor do we use…

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Why Men Try To Control Women

What is this great obsession by men globally & historically to control, use and abuse women? From genital mutilation, child wives, burkhas, honor killings to laws regulating women’s choices surrounding her body. It’s important to note that male dominance is not the natural state of a human society; to the contrary, human society was matriarchal…

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What is Shamanism?  

What is Shamanism?   I like to call it “The Old Way” – which is nothing more than a method of training to develop certain capacities inherent in human beings.  This is what makes “Shamanism” – a Tungistic / Altaic word from Northern Asia meaning Knower or Practitioner – universally descriptive.  Yes, there are possibly…

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Missing Nutrient In Masculinity

“Why can’t he feel me?” Because he can’t feel himself. Man’s inability to feel into others has its roots in their stifled capacity in being receptive. Many are missing a vital nutrient that comes from being open and receptive. This lack of sensitivity is a byproduct of a body and nervous system that have been…

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Father Wound & Why Boys Need Men

Many come to men’s work with wounds inflicted upon them by the masculine, specifically a father wound. They come to this work to heal such wounds and alchemize their relationship with the masculine. The journey to healing this wound is unique for each man, and it starts by trusting our masculine containers for our feminine…

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Fear of the Feminine

The masculine dilemma

Fear of the feminine and the Amazon fires was written in 2019 and is more relevant now more than ever.  Men throughout millennia have attempted to dominate or control Nature in some form or another.  Instead of standing in awe of her majesty, he has crumbled in fear and trembling at her feet resorting to…

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The Burden of The Masculine

Coaching by

Getting in touch with and allowing the full expression of the unapologetic wildness within a man is paramount and points to his ultimate desire for freedom. Freedom, not in the sense of being single or if in a relationship wanting to “be free” but free from his “burdens “, and in reality once he gets…

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