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The 7 Chakra Points Here are the 7 chakra points and a brief description around each energy center. Let’s Take a look now at each of the 7 Chakra Points 1. The Base/Root Chakra – Muladhara Chakra Muladhara chakra or Root Chakra is located on the base of your spine in the tailbone area…
Read MoreMen’s Work Principles Men’s work principles are the guiding lights that are the foundations of the culture that is created within a men’s group community. These principles are confronting each man based on where he is on his spiritual journey. Some are confronted more than others in coming to terms with the benefits of these…
Read MoreWhy go on men’s retreats? As modern society becomes increasingly fast-paced, it can be difficult for men to find the time and space to unwind and reconnect with their inner selves. One of the best ways to do this is by going on a men’s retreat, particularly one that takes place in nature. In this…
Read MoreCLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & JOIN OUR MEN’S CIRCLE As men, we often struggle with opening up about our emotions and facing our inner demons. We are taught from a young age to be tough, stoic, and unemotional. But the truth is, suppressing our feelings can lead to a whole host of problems, both…
Read MoreI recently saw a short video by Myztico Campo and Damaris Vazquez based on a fable written by Charles Eisenstein that depicts the concept of the necessary move humankind must make from treating the earth as “mother” to treating her as “lover”, an idea is based on Annie Sprinkle and Beth Stephens’s “Ecosex Manifesto” of…
Read MoreWhat is this great obsession by men globally & historically to control, use and abuse women? From genital mutilation, child wives, burkhas, honor killings to laws regulating women’s choices surrounding her body. It’s important to note that male dominance is not the natural state of a human society; to the contrary, human society was matriarchal…
Read MoreWhat is Shamanism? I like to call it “The Old Way” – which is nothing more than a method of training to develop certain capacities inherent in human beings. This is what makes “Shamanism” – a Tungistic / Altaic word from Northern Asia meaning Knower or Practitioner – universally descriptive. Yes, there are possibly…
Read More“Why can’t he feel me?” Because he can’t feel himself. Man’s inability to feel into others has its roots in their stifled capacity in being receptive. Many are missing a vital nutrient that comes from being open and receptive. This lack of sensitivity is a byproduct of a body and nervous system that have been…
Read MoreWe change the face of masculinity in relation to the feminine by changing the way we hold and honor the free expression of our own feminine energies. We provide safe containers for men to be fully expressed – not only in the embodiment of their masculine energies – but also towards deeper expression, understanding…
Read MoreMany come to men’s work with wounds inflicted upon them by the masculine, specifically a father wound. They come to this work to heal such wounds and alchemize their relationship with the masculine. The journey to healing this wound is unique for each man, and it starts by trusting our masculine containers for our feminine…
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