In Honor Of Our
Lineage, Teachers & Guides

Our Lineage
The lineage of my teachers, mentors, and guides is a beautiful tapestry of diverse spiritual, multicultural paths and belief systems.
The warrior's path was carved into my being through 25+ years of training and teaching "Hapkido Blend" and earning three black belts under Sensei Fariborz Azhakh whose own influences and lineage range from the likes of Benny "The Jet" Urquidez to Korean Hapkido Master Ji Han Jae. My training and exposure to embodiment work was ignited by my long time friend and now teacher, John Wineland, who's diverse background includes in-depth work with yogic intimacy teacher, David Deida, and a deep lineage of Vajrayana, Tantra and Kundalini Yoga. Recently, my interest in Deiti & Shunya Yoga have brought me into study with Shri Amir Mourad whose lineage is derivative of Sri Madan Bali. For decades I've worked intimately with men like Phil Rowland whose reflections in my early years of seeking set the foundation I would build my entire spiritual landscape on. And along the way, I've met soul guides like Kadea Metara, whose work and guidance has helped fine-tune my calling and purpose.
These humble men and women are conduits for The Great Mother (G-d or however you choose to name Her). They never made their teachings ego-centric. These are men and women who, like you and I, woke to their purpose and humbly dedicated their lives to simply carrying out that purpose. I've been lucky enough to empty my cup and receive a transmission from them. I honor and celebrate them, for they are the ones changing lives quietly behind the scenes. They are guiding souls towards their evolution with great impact and humility. I humbly do the same in honoring them. ~ Amir Khalighi (Founder of Learn more about Amir Khalighi
Shri Amir Mourad - Deity & Shunya Yoga
Shri Amir Mourad is an Egyptian-Canadian yogi, mystic, and spiritual teacher. Having faced severe depression, an overwhelming fear of death, along with increasing awareness of the realities of human suffering, he began his search for enlightenment in hopes of finding a new way of being. He began by studying various traditions such as Advaita Vedanta, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, ancient Egyptian religion, as well as Western philosophy. Having found that with this increase of knowledge this did not dispel his uncertainties but only added to his confusion, he eventually discovered that the gathering of theoretical knowledge is insufficient for man’s liberation, nor can there be freedom or morality without true self-knowledge. Hungry for spiritual knowledge, he became initiated into an esoteric mystery school of the Golden Dawn. After having risen through the grades of the Order, he became dissatisfied with the teachings, feeling that they were too enamored with superstitious thinking. He later abandoned the society and continued his search. He then sought the guidance of yoga master Sri Madan Bali who initiated him into methods of yoga and offered him a firm foundation of discipline, knowledge, and spiritual practice. Having learned much that he could from Sri Madan Bali, he eventually also found himself discontented as the teachings did not provide the liberation that he was seeking. He then decided to continue down his path living as a hermit to continue deepening his practice. Find out more at

Sue Holmes - Shamanic Practitioner, Teacher & Founder of The Modern Shaman Academy
“I grew up in rural Shropshire, with a deep connection to animals and nature. My first experience of ceremonies and shamanism was in temples in India and staying with the Kalash tribe in Pakistan in the early 90’s. My love of travelling and adventures grew into learning from wisdom carriers and participating in healing ceremonies in sacred space. I was not only drawn to heal myself and the human energy field but simultaneously to bring harmony to buildings and land. I trained in the arts of healing, feng shui, space clearing and geomancy. At last I had found a vocation into which I could pour my heart and soul, that made sense to me and connected to the magic of the natural world. My personal healing journey to become a shamanic practitioner combined cross-cultural shamanic healing, sound & energy healing, plant & animal spirit medicine, Tibetan spiritual practices, dancing, singing, art, massage and breath work – within the safe container of trusted community. As an archetypal ‘wounded healer’, I am living proof of the power of these natural methods to transform trauma, patterns and wounds so that I can hold space for others to heal. I untangled the threads of long-standing issues and journeyed to their roots, purging the fear, shame, grief and rage that I was carrying. I dived deep into my own shadow and dark nights of the soul. I emerged clearer, stronger, more at peace and overflowing with creativity and purpose – in many ways I hardly recognise the person I used to be! How could I not share these skills and embodied transformation with others?”
“I am profoundly grateful that I have participated in hundreds of healing circles, shamanic ceremonies and spiritual rituals with many different cultures, ways and traditions.
These include the Melissae & Pythia of Europe, Nordic Seidr, Tibetan lamas & Chöd, Himalayan, Amazonian, Andean & Mexican ceremonialists; the Kalash tribe in Pakistan, Kalahari Bushmen in Botswana, Himba tribe in Namibia, Taoists temples in China, Hindu temples in India, the Moon Dance in Costa Rica and a Baka ‘Bwiti’ initiation in Gabon, West Africa.
This awakened my tribal soul, respect for indigenous wisdom & medicine and developed my ability to work with trance states, healing and ceremony to become a shamanic practitioner.
The Modern Shaman Academy does not follow one culture or tradition, but rather embraces all paths that connect earth, heart and spirit.”
Sue Holmes
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Fariborz Azhakh - Way of the Sword
Fariborz Azhakh (b. 1962) was born in Tehran, Iran. When he was sixteen years old he moved to California, where he began his martial arts journey in the art of Hapkido as a student of Master Steve Sexton. In 1982, he opened his school, Team Karate Centers. Over the years, he built on the foundations of Hapkido to develop a system of multicultural martial arts based on usefulness; one that draws upon principles from a variety of fighting styles and ranges, including kickboxing, grappling, trapping, weapons, joint locks, and meditation. "Hapkido Blend," as a he named it, allows all students to cultivate their own individual art within the traditions of Hapkido. Throughout his journey, he repeatedly cites his teachers and heroes as his greatest inspirations, among them: Benny Urquidez, Ji Han Jae, Ron Balicki, Stuart Quan, and Simon and Phillip Rhee. Azakh's legacy to the martial arts community is well-documented. In 1982 and 2010, he starred in two separate video series produced by Century Martial Arts to present the evolving art of Hapkido Blend. Likewise, he has authored a number of books on martial arts pedagogy and curriculum. Through all this, he has changed the way martial arts is taught and learned by leading the introduction of online technology to the industry: He is the creator of, the world's only online martial arts information center. In 2020, Team Karate Centers celebrates its 40th anniversary. Find out more at:
Kadea Metara - Soul Guide
Kadea Metara is a Spiritual Mentor, Intuitive Counselor, Alchemist and “Catalyst for Change.” She lectures, teaches, and counsels worldwide. Since 1987 she has been offering life-changing private sessions and workshops that specialize in the “Great Work” of liberating the human soul from the bondages of the past and the awakening and birthing of it’s True Divine Nature. As the result of a profound “near-death’ experience in 1975, Kadea “reads” the blueprint of your soul and provides valuable insight concerning your soul’s intentions, higher purpose and life lessons. Kadea “sees” the imprints, blocks, challenges and hurdles you must overcome to create positive and permanent life changes. She then works with you to clear these blocks at the mental, emotional, physical and cellular level using leading-edge multi-dimensional healing techniques. The result being, you have a greater ability to make wise soul choices and effect positive and permanent changes in your life. Kadea lives in Sacramento, California where she enjoys being close to her three children and their families - including five amazing grandchildren and many grand-animals.
Phil Rowland - Mentor
Phil Rowland has quietly lead many men in uncovering and removing inner obstacles "fancied or real" and inspiring them to make contact with their deepest selves. He has done his work quietly and honorably for over 28 years. He is a loving, devoted father and a kick-ass drummer.
Spiritual Influences
Anthony De Mello
Jesuit priest and psychotherapist
“You see persons and things not as they are but as you are."
— Anthony De Mello
Sri Aurobindo
Indian philosopher, yogi, maharishi, poet, and Indian nationalist
“True knowledge is not attained by thinking. It is what you are; it is what you become."
— Sri Aurobindo
Robert Bly
Poet, essayist, activist and leader of the mythopoetic men's movement of Love
“It’s all right if you grow your wings on the way down."
— Robert Bly
Anandamayi Ma
Indian Saint
“When by the flood of your tears
the inner and the outer have fused into one,
you will find Her whom you
sought with such anguish,
nearer than the nearest,
the very breath of life,
the very core of every heart."
— Anandamayi Ma
Francis Israel Regardie
Occultist, ceremonial magician, and writer
“Within every man and woman is a force that directs and controls the entire course of life. Properly used, it can heal every affliction and ailment we may have."
— Francis Israel Regardie
Mirra Alfassa
French-Indian spiritual guide, occultist yoga teacher, and collaborator of Sri Aurobindo
“It is the Divine Presence that gives value to life. This Presence is the source of all peace, all joy, all security. Find this Presence in yourself and all your difficulties will disappear.”
— Mirra Alfassa