I'm dedicated to empowering men, connecting them to their highest sense of self and The Great Mother to live fulfilling, impactful, purpose-driven lives. - Amir Khalighi
A Note From Our Founder:
"Modern culture and society have unsupported, suppressed, distorted, and stifled the proper expression, evolution, and embodiment of natural masculine energies. It has made men feel disconnected from themselves, their counterparts, and Nature World.
Young men yearn for masculine presence, guidance, and mentorship from an early age. When there are no elders in the home or community to bring it to them, they have little choice but to seek it elsewhere. We end up with uninitiated men following other uninitiated men looking for answers in a society driven by values of materialism, fame, internalized misogyny, and unconscious contribution to colonial norms, feeding their egos and starving their souls.
They spend their time and energy chasing after women (men), money, property, and prestige, pursuing it at infinitum with little regard for the wreckage they leave in the wake of their pursuits, producing the manifestation of what we collectively now refer to as "toxic masculinity'.
They are, in short, disconnected from themselves, their soul's purpose, the natural world, and the spirit that infuses all of life's creation, the Great Mother. In living with this wound, they project their pain onto society and others, most painfully, their loved ones.
On the other hand, initiated men know, not based on information but through a transformative initiation process, that they are here to serve a higher calling and not just themselves. That their lives are not merely their own but their own in connection and serving a higher calling and the greater good.
A seed is planted in the soul of every man to awaken one day to their life's purpose here on earth. With the proper attention, practice, and guidance of elders who have gone before them, that seedling will grow into a deep sense of knowing of their calling; they begin to tune into this “whisper of the heart,” this subtle flame.
They realize they are here to live out their life's purpose and serve humanity's evolution within their circle of influence. Along the way, there is healing. They stop their attachments to idolatrous "gods" and look within themselves for "The Way." And, as The Mevlana (Rumi) says, "As you start to walk on the way, The way appears."
We are men responsible for bringing other men back into alignment with their soul's calling, embarking on their Dharma, and ensuring they feel seen, held, and supported as we once were.
We are the men responsible and called upon to change the face of masculinity in our society, to alchemize this "toxicity" within and without by standing up to those who wield power unconsciously.
We are responsible for the leaders we put in power, for they only reflect our collective subconscious and values.
We take responsibility for where we are as a society, who we are, what we've done, and where we go from here.
We are the men of the Embodied Masculine™."
~Amir Khalighi
I have known Amir for over 32 years and have watched his growth as a man, father, friend, and spiritual mentor to many men. He is a man of great integrity and compassion and has a wealth of experience and spiritual tools to help others grow. I have no doubt that what he has to offer will benefit all who participate.
— Phil Rowland
“Amir has helped me put my life back together and then some. Today I have a purpose. I know who I am, and I have the discipline and tools required to continue evolving. He is a grounding force. It's been a hell of a journey.”
— Matthew Boylan
Amir holds an impeccable container providing a safe environment to grow and learn. His combination of deep wisdom, experience, open heartedness, and clear pointed feedback provides a special experience and transmission.
— David Altman
I strongly recommend that men work with Amir, either through his group formats (Wednesday night embodiment practices) or via 1:1 coaching. Amir has been an integral part of my conscious awakening. He has built a powerful community of men that are "on the path" and have provided me with much needed camaraderie, and his extensive knowledge of depth psychology, embodiment practices, and masculine-feminine dynamics has helped me develop as a man and leader.
— John Roberts
I have had the deep honor, pleasure and privilege of knowing and working with Amir for close to three years and he is one of the most trusted allies I have on the path of living as a powerfully aligned man. Amir is committed to living his truth on such a deeply authentic level and it comes through with everything he does. To get to share time with Amir is absolutely invaluable.
— Sam Morris
More About Amir Khalighi
Born in Tehran, Iran, and raised by a single mother, his perspective of life during his early years was observed through the prism of the feminine, with no mature masculine figure to learn from nor lean on until his early 20s. His natural inclination for separation from that dynamic was a destructive one from the age of 19 to 22. At 23, he found his first men’s group, where elders exemplified what it meant to be a mature masculine in the world.
His journey into self-actualization started during his college years with studies in the fields of existential philosophy and comparative religious studies. His work with men started at the age of 23. Through his 20s and 30s, he worked with hundreds of men centered around addictive behaviors and also through the discipline of martial arts. Subsequently, his work has matured and now encompasses Jungian archetypal, somatic healing, Shamanism, and embodiment methodology.
His passion in the field of men’s work has been most influenced by mythopoetic men’s work, Sufi mysticism, yogic intimacy, Celtic mythology, Shamanism, Hermeticism, Western esotericism & Jungian archetypal psychology (see our lineage page for a deeper look).
He has dedicated his life and purpose to connecting men to "The Great Mother" (the feminine expression of the Divinity (The manifest) and empowering these men to live in alignment with their soul's calling in order to live purpose-driven lives... helping them embody their natural, God-given masculine energies in a new emerging paradigm of masculinity, balanced in relationship to their feminine counterparts.
Most of the men that make their way to Amir did not have a positive masculine role model that they could rely on growing up... men with wounds of the absent father. “We teach what we’ve overcome.”
His work spans over 30 years in men's work and private coaching. With the founding of Embodied Masculine™ in 2018, he has expanded his message and unique approach to men's work into transformative workshops, group coaching, initiation programs (MWI), and facilitator training programs (TFTP). He has been invited as a guest speaker, keynote speaker & lead facilitator for various men’s groups and retreats worldwide. His writing can be found in various publications, and his message can be heard on podcasts and conferences such as the Embodiment Conference.
Amir is also the founder of BelovedPoetry.com, where he renders the works of such masters as Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, Hafiz, Pablo Neruda, and more. He has worked with many men from all walks of life, from high-caliber Fortune 500 CEOs, influencers, and artists to young men starting on their path.
He is a teacher, coach, speaker, artist, and poet. He is married to the love of his life, Keri, and is the father to two daughters and two love-daughters (stepdaughters).